Create your survey?

Templates Library

all categories

  • Classic NPS (Net Promoter Score™ Survey)

    How likely are you to recommend us to someone like you?

    5 questions

  • Improve your web app's user experience

    How would you rate your overall experience with [product name]?

    6 questions

  • Ensure Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

    How satisfied are you with [product name]?

    5 questions

  • Uncover page exit reasons

    Why did you decide to leave our site?

    4 questions

  • Measure product - market fit

    How would you feel if you could no longer use [product name]?

    9 questions

  • Quickly measure product satisfaction

    How satisfied are you with [product name]?

    6 questions

  • Improve your blog content strategy

    How relevant to you is the content on our blog?

    6 questions

  • Find out how to improve the product

    👋 Would you like to have a say on the development of [product name]?

    4 questions

  • Ask open-ended questions about exit reasons

    Would you mind telling us the reason you're leaving the site?

    2 questions

  • Website Improvement Ideas

    What could we do to make this site more useful?

    2 questions

  • Find ideas for new features. HIDDEN.

    What's one feature we can add that would make our product indispensable for you?

    3 questions

  • Uncover the goals of your website's visitors

    What is the goal of your visiting our website today?

    5 questions

  • Contact Form

    Please fill in your information so we can stay in touch:

    2 questions

  • Prevent shopping cart abandonment

    If anything, what has prevented you from completing the purchase today?

    8 questions

  • Understand your audience's demographics

    👋 We'd love to better understand our audience. Would you like to help us? (It'll take 2 minutes max!)

    12 questions

  • Advantages Over Competition

    Why do you use our service rather than the alternatives?

    3 questions

  • Check your pricing page clarity

    Is our pricing clear to you?

    4 questions

  • Segment your website traffic

    Do you target customers individuals, companies or organizations, or a mix of both?

    4 questions

  • Discover churn reason (open-ended)

    What is the main reason you're canceling the account?

    2 questions

  • Evaluate the quality of the customer service you provide. HIDDEN. Equivalent created.

    Are you satisfied with the with the customer service provide?

    3 questions

  • Discover what other content you can put on the website.

    What other information would you like to see on this page?

    3 questions

  • See if your product meets user expectations

    Have you found what you're looking for? 

    4 questions

  • Evaluate user experience

    How easy or difficult to use is [product name]?

    7 questions

  • Get new ideas for your content. HIDDEN

    What kind of topics would you like to read more about?

    2 questions

  • Collect sign-ups for product updates

    Would you like to receive updates on the latest changes to [product name]?

    3 questions

  • Gauge price sensitivity. HIDDEN. Duplicate

    At what price would you consider [your product] to be so expensive that you would not consider buying it?

    5 questions

  • Invite users to a demo call. HIDDEN

    Would you be interested in a quick demo call?

    3 questions

  • Gauge user satisfaction with a new feature

    How would you rate your satisfaction with the [feature]?

    4 questions

  • Discover issues with order completion

    What stopped you from completing you order? 

    2 questions

  • Measure CES (Customer Effort Score) 3-point scale

    How easy was it for you to [perform an action]?

    3 questions

  • Improve site navigation

    How easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you were looking for?

    3 questions

  • Retention insights - change of roles. HIDDEN.

    If you were in charge of our company, how would you persuade people like yourself to use us more often?

    1 questions

  • Collect requests for new features

    How would you rate your experience with our product?

    3 questions

  • Get feedback about your new product

    How would you rate the overall quality of the product?

    5 questions

  • Measure Help Center experience. HIDDEN

    How would you rate your experience with our Help Center?

    3 questions

  • Test your idea for the brand's name

    What adjectives come to your mind when you hear [a brand name]?

    2 questions

  • Collect feedback on the design of your website or product

    How would you rate the overall look & feel of our [website/product]?

    5 questions

  • Explore ease of use (Single Ease Question survey)

    Overall, how difficult or easy was the task to complete?

    2 questions

  • Keep track of the User Effort Score (UES)

    [Product] made it easy for me to [do a job].

    4 questions

  • Collect feedback on your website

    How often do you visit our website?

    8 questions

  • Identify visitor goals

    Have you achieved your goal on our website?

    5 questions

  • Tailor content to meet your audience' needs

    How relevant was the article/video/podcast to you?

    4 questions

  • Discover churn reason (choices) 2

    What made you cancel your subscription?

    5 questions

  • Source ideas for innovative solutions

    👋 We're looking for ways to make your life easier! Would you like to answer a few questions?

    9 questions

  • Understand cart abandonment

    What stops you from completing the purchase?

    1 questions

  • Measure customer satisfaction with key aspects of your services

    How would you rate the quality of our product?

    4 questions

  • Uncover traffic sources (choices)

    How did you discover our company?

    7 questions

  • Run beta feature research

    Have you tried out [beta feature] yet?

    7 questions

  • Customer Effort Score (CES) 7 point HIDDEN

    How would you rate your experience with our product?

    3 questions

  • Improve the ease of use (5-point scale with NPS)

    How easy or difficult is it to use [product name]?

    5 questions

  • Improve the checkout experience

    How easy or difficult was it for you to check out?

    3 questions

  • Measure satisfaction after a completed purchase

    How happy are you with the overall purchase experience?

    9 questions

  • Measure Customer Effort Score (CES), 5-point scale

    How easy or difficult was it to interact with our company?

    3 questions

  • Understand frictions to try out your product

    Do you have any questions before starting a free 14-day trial?

    6 questions

  • Collect reviews with an NPS survey

    How likely is it that you will recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

    6 questions

  • Measure System Usability with SUS

    Thanks for taking part in the survey!  It comprises 10 statements.  Select the responses that best describe your experience with [a product name] ↓

    12 questions

  • Verify the usefulness of the help articles

    Was this article helpful?

    4 questions

  • Measure CSAT with 10-point rating scale

    How would you rate your experience with our company?

    3 questions

  • Improve messaging clarity

    Does the page tell you everything you need to know about the product?

    4 questions

  • Gauge price sensitivity with Van Westendorp's pricing questions

    the price is too low for [product name] to be good quality?

    6 questions

  • Measure SUPR-Q of your website

    [Website] is easy to use.

    9 questions

  • Assess the content of your blog articles

    How helpful is this blog post for you?

    11 questions

  • Improve the search experience

    How relevant are these results?

    3 questions

  • Measure the satisfaction of new users

    How would you rate your experience with [product name] so far?

    9 questions

  • Extended NPS survey

    How likely is it that you will recommend [company / product name] to a friend or colleague?

    7 questions

  • Grow your newsletter mailing list

    How helpful was what you've just read?

    5 questions

  • Classic CSAT - Measure customer satisfaction

    How satisfied are you with your experience with [product]?

    4 questions

  • Uncover Users’ Primary Benefits HIDDEN

    What is the primary benefit that you have gained from our company?

    2 questions

  • Quickly evaluate different product aspects

    How would you rate [product's] ease of use?

    9 questions

  • Understand and quickly prevent churn

    Hey... 👋 Sorry to see you go... 🥹 Would you mind sharing your reasons with us?

    6 questions

  • Improve the sign-up experience

    How would you rate the experience of signing up to [product name]?

    3 questions

  • Collect continuous feedback on your product or services

    Would you like to share thoughts?

    5 questions

  • Find out what first impression you leave

    We'd love to find out what your first impression of us is. Would you like to answer 3 short questions?

    5 questions

  • Measure users' satisfaction with your MVP

    How satisfied are you with [product name]?

    5 questions

  • Evaluate your software across all dimensions

    How satisfied are you with [product]'s capabilities?

    8 questions

  • Verify your website's usability

    👋 We'd like to ask you some questions about our website. It'll take you 2 minutes and be of huge help for us. 

    8 questions

  • Uncover your customers' motivations

    Do you recall what motivated you to look for a solution like [product name]?

    7 questions

  • Measure user satisfaction with product trials

    👋 How satisfied are you with your free trial so far?

    4 questions

  • Test the messaging on your homepage

    Would you like to help us make sure our message comes across? It'll take 2-3 minutes, and we'll be grateful forever! :)

    8 questions

  • Improve search results accuracy

    How happy are you with the search results?

    4 questions

  • Uncover Traffic Sources (choices) HIDDEN. DUPLICATE

    How did you discover our company?

    6 questions

  • Create a user persona

    👋 We've been losing nights of sleep, trying to figure out how to better meet your needs.  Would you like to answer 7 short questions and help us sleep better? ;)  It'll take max 5 minutes!

    9 questions

  • See who visits your careers page

    Which of the following best describes you?

    7 questions

  • Prepare your event better

    How did you hear about the event?

    6 questions

  • Discover churn reason (choices) 1

    What is the primary reason for canceling your subscription?

    6 questions

  • Gauge task accomplishment

    Were you able to accomplish what you came here for? 

    6 questions

  • See if your product meets customers’ needs

    How well does [product] meet your needs?

    4 questions

  • Measure transactional NPS (tNPS)

    Based on the last interaction with [company name], how likely are you to recommend our services to someone like you?

    6 questions

  • Recruit research panel participants

    Would you be interested to join our research panel?

    4 questions

  • Discover your audience's social media habits

    Which of the following social media platforms do you use?

    5 questions

  • Validate a name of a feature

    What would you expect to be able to do with a "[...]" feature?

    2 questions

  • Collect feedback on the UX of filtering

    How happy are you with the filters on this page?

    4 questions

  • Improve users' onboarding experience

    How easy was it to get started with [product]?

    7 questions

  • Learn how users describe your product. HIDDEN

    How would you describe our product?

    2 questions

  • Check if users need onboarding assistance

    How easy is using [product name] to you?

    6 questions

  • Improve the onboarding experience

    How would you rate your experience getting started with [product name]?

    5 questions

  • Improve in-product copy clarity

    How clear is the language we use in [product name] app?

    5 questions

  • Identify sign-up barriers

    How likely are you to give the [product name] a try?

    11 questions

  • Measure user experience with UMUX

    This [website's/ product's/ tool's/ software's] capabilities meet my requirements.

    6 questions

  • Test the messaging on your website (open-ended)

    Would you like to help us make sure our message comes across? It'll take 2-3 minutes, and we'll be grateful forever! ♾ ;)

    8 questions

  • Understand your customers' toolstack

    We wonder what tools we should integrate with to better serve your needs...  Would you like to answer 2 questions and share your thoughts?

    7 questions

  • Comprehensive CSAT

    Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?

    10 questions

  • Measure customer satisfaction (1-3 CSAT)

    How satisfied are your with your recent contact with us?

    4 questions

  • Segment customers effectively

    What industry does your company operate in?

    6 questions

  • Gauge product satisfaction and readiness to upgrade

    How happy are you with [product name]?

    7 questions

  • Dig deep into the NPS score

    On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product name] to a friend or colleague?

    8 questions

  • Determine your activation points

    Which of the following was the first moment you felt that [product name] solves your problem?

    5 questions

  • Uncover exit intent reason (subtle) HIDDEN. DUPLICATE

    Did you find what you were looking for?

    4 questions

  • Plan your content marketing mix better

    👋 We'd love to tailor our newsletter to your specific needs. Would you help us understand them better?

    5 questions

  • Recruit research participants based on their experience level

    👋 Would you like to help us design a [category name] app? 

    8 questions

  • Evaluate your customer support

    How would you rate your experience with our customer help team?

    6 questions

  • Discover your audience's buying criteria

    Which of the following are the most important to you when buying software?

    3 questions

  • Hear the voice of the customer (VoC survey)

    How likely are you to recommend our product to someone like you?

    7 questions

  • Understand customer journey better (new customers)

    👋 Happy to have you as a customer! Would you like to answer a couple of questions? (All you need is 2 minutes!)

    11 questions

  • Intercept prospects before competition

    What does [product name] help you do?

    6 questions

  • Find out if the product meets users' expectations

    Does [product name] work as you expected it to?

    9 questions

  • Understand future purchase intent

    How likely are you to purchase from [brand] again in the next 3 months?

    3 questions

  • Evaluate each stage of user journey

    The information on the website was clear to me

    8 questions

  • Uncover the customer perceived value

    Would you recommend [product name] to someone like you?

    6 questions

  • Discover why things matter to your customers

    Would you miss [a feature/offer/product] if it was gone?

    5 questions

  • Discover your customers' purchasing criteria

    Which aspects are the most important for you when buying software?

    5 questions

  • Screen and recruit research participants in-house

    👋 Would you be interested in helping us design an app? Every person taking part in our user research will receive [compensation]

    13 questions

  • Explore users' jobs, pains, and gains. (Extended version)

    👋 We're looking for ways to help you with your tasks! Have a minute to share your thoughts? ⏳☕️ ;)

    12 questions

  • Succeed at B2B messaging

    What is your main motivation for looking for [product category]?

    5 questions

  • Measure usability with UMUX Lite (7-point scale)

    This [website/ software] capabilities meet my requirements.

    2 questions

  • Measure usability with UMUX Lite (5-point scale)

    This [website/ software] capabilities meet my requirements.

    2 questions

  • Learn what matters most for consumers (e-commerce)

    👋 Fancy a coffee break? ☕️ ;) We'd like to ask you a few of questions.  It'll take you 2-3 minutes and will help us improve your shopping experience with us!

    11 questions

  • Discover media outlets your audience visits

    👋  Would you like to help us pen better articles for you?

    5 questions

  • Discover innovation opportunites

    What is the main thing [product name] helps you do?

    3 questions

  • Find out how your audience describes you

    If you were to choose 3 adjectives to describe [product name], what would they be?

    4 questions

  • Improve the checkout experience (open-ended)

    Is there anything about the checkout process we should improve? 

    1 questions

  • Evaluate the quality of the customer service you provide

    How would you rate your most recent interaction with customer service?

    7 questions

  • Uncover alternatives currently in use

    Are there any other companies offering [service/product name] that you're considering?

    5 questions

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) + Root Cause

    How likely is it that you will recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

    5 questions

  • Have users select the next feature you build

    Which of the following features should we build first?

    2 questions

  • Measure subscribers' satisfaction with their plans

    How satisfied are you with your subscription to [product name]?

    5 questions

  • Research product development opportunities

    How likely are you to recommend [product name] to someone like you?

    7 questions

  • Check if differences between products are clear

    Is the difference between A (product/plan) and B clear to you?

    4 questions

  • Find out how much are users willing to pay (open-ended)

    What price would be so low that you would start to question [product name]’s quality?

    4 questions

  • Catch weak points of a page

    Is there something you do not like about this page?

    3 questions

  • Build content strategy that meets your readers' needs

    How happy are you with the content of our blog?

    7 questions

  • Collect customer testimonials for your website

    How likely are you to recommend our product to someone like you?

    7 questions

  • Collect feedback on the help desk

    How would you rate your most recent interaction with our help desk?

    6 questions

  • Improve user activation

    How satisfied are you with [product name]?

    6 questions

  • Improve the search experience

    How relevant are these search results?

    3 questions

  • Find out if customers ever refer your product. HIDDEN

    Have you recommended us to anyone in the past?

    3 questions

  • Evaluate the risk of increasing your prices HIDDEN (DUPLICATE)

    Would an increase in prices cause you to look elsewhere for the same product/services?

    4 questions

  • Capture your actual competitive advantage

    How likely are you to recommend our product to someone like you?

    7 questions

  • Measure customer loyalty with an alternative NPS survey 1

    A friend asks you whether you would recommend [product]. Would you? 

    4 questions

  • Measure customer loyalty with an alternative NPS survey 2

    Have you ever recommended [product] to a friend or colleague?

    6 questions

  • Uncover benefits expected from your company. HIDDEN

    What is the primary benefit you hope to get from our product?

    2 questions

  • Uncover Traffic Sources (open) HIDDEN

    How did you hear about our website?

    6 questions

  • Measure task complexity with the After Scenario Questionnaire

    Overall, I am satisfied with the ease of completing the task in this scenario.

    4 questions

  • Gauge product satisfaction

    How satisfied are you with [product name] ?

    7 questions

  • Do effective influencer marketing

    How likely are you to be interested in software because an influencer reviewed it online?

    5 questions

  • Make sure your gives all necessary information. HIDDEN

    Did you find what you were looking for on our website?

    4 questions

  • Understand purchase intentions

    How likely are you to make a purchase on BRAND today?

    4 questions

  • Uncover your true competitors HIDDEN

    Which other options did you consider before choosing our product?

    3 questions

  • Identify the most lucrative jobs to be done

    👋 We're looking for ways to help you with your tasks! Have a minute to share your thoughts? ⏳☕️ ;)

    10 questions

  • Collect reviews with NPS survey

    How likely is it that you will recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

    4 questions

  • Evaluate self-service support effectiveness

    It was easy to find the correct documentation

    5 questions

  • Gather insights to improve signup conversion. HIDDEN

    Before signing up, what was your biggest fear or concern about trying us?

    3 questions

  • Improve the trial-user-to-customer conversion rates

    How would you rate your experience with [product name] so far?

    9 questions

  • Uncover Alternatives Currently In Use

    Are we the sole provider for [activity/goals] or do you also use alternative solutions?

    4 questions

  • Measure users' perceptions of your product with the SUPR-Q survey

    Do you have a minute to spare?  We'd love to know what you think of [product name]!

    8 questions

  • Verify the gravity of customers' pains

    In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced [a pain point] ?

    11 questions